Stunning Environmental Design
With The Versatile Wall Mural
What comes to mind when you think about murals? Is it a painting on the side of an ugly building, or a ceiling fresco in a city cathedral?
One of the most popular types of mural available right now are the beautiful door and window murals, designed for style, colour impact and practicality.
What can I expect?
Made from high quality, washable material, door murals, windows and walls are a very symbolic image.
Many people connect a strong door image with safety, making them think of a location where they felt most comfortable and welcome. A door symbolizes strength, openings and invitations and can change a person’s mood or perception of a place. Any image that raises a human’s capacity for optimistic feelings is an image worth considering.
Studies into the inclusion of door images in the form of a high-quality mural application have discovered stunning results, where people completely change their feelings and responses to particular places - in an encouraging way.
The Benefits of Wall Murals in Public Spaces
Wall murals, door murals, and the ever-popular window murals are often found in public spaces, including hospitals, nursing homes and in facilities catering for dementia residents.
You’d be forgiven for thinking their placement was based on their attractive look, but these types of murals have a highly helpful and practical use.
Murals can brighten up the most clinical of rooms and buildings, injecting various positive and happy images into an area that can often be solemn and serious. Since the murals often have natural imagery, such as water, clouds or plants as part of their look, they have a way of bringing nature inside. The can inspire in the onlooker as sense of serenity and tranquility.
▲For Woormack Aged Care Project manager Carina
▲For Royal Melbourne Hospital
Corridors and wards often take on a very similar plain look, and it’s easy to lose your way when attempting to navigate various places inside these sorts of public buildings. A wall, door or window mural gives a focal point or marker for determining where you are and where you need to go. This is particularly useful for people who are suffering from dementia, this gives patients a strong image that can assist in their ability to direct themselves more easily around indoor spaces and help maintain a modicum of autonomy.
▲For Beauaraba living
Further benefits of utilizing murals in your medical or public space include the fact that images can have a strong effect on human emotions. Because of this, there is great opportubnity for the colour or image choice to really make a positive difference to people.
Depending on the selected image, murals can invoke a feeling of nostalgia, think of a beautiful garden mural, similar the outdoor space you had as a child. What a lovely memory to connect to.
Murals also provide benefits to children, who might be in hospital or in an early-childhood centre for children. Used as markers for important places or simply to create a welcoming child-centered environment where families can feel safe and cherished, as well as making an eye-catching statement that suggests the company care about their atmosphere and want to tailor it to the needs of clients.
▲For Early-childhood Play Centre Mural Plan
An added, but important benefit for all spaces where people, especially vulnerable clients gather is the OH&S aspect. These types of murals pass the hygiene test. They’re easily wipeable and can stay clean with very little attention.
The delightful wall, window or door mural is an absolute must-have for any area that needs character and an injection of colour and design. They take plain white walls, uninspiring interior design and medical surroundings from blah to wow, whilst having real-world application for the special-needs client.
A beautiful way to serve others.
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