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AJ Wallpaper's Melbourne & Sydney Showroom

Posted on July 28, 2022 by AJ Wallpaper

How to Use Removable Wallpaper in Open Plan Living

Since the dawn of the internet, DIY interior design has become increasingly more accessible to people from all walks of life, allowing home and property owners to have a go at just about any trade or design project with complete online support.

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Posted on March 16, 2022 by AJ Wallpaper

The Benefits of 3D Wallpaper

Since the 1930s, wallpaper has drifted in and out of fashion as trends and styles changed, and printing technology evolved. However, in recent years, graphic design software and advances in printing technology have seen wallpaper coming back into vogue, especially with the emergence of 3D wallpaper.

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Posted on July 03, 2020 by AJ Wallpaper

Amazing flower products collection at AJ WALLPAPER

Flowers, nature simple way to improve your emotional health. The presence of flowers triggers happy emotions, heightens feelings of life satisfaction, and affects social behavior in a positive manner far beyond what is normally believed.

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Posted on June 30, 2020 by AJ Wallpaper

Designer Andrea Haase Artworks Collection at AJ Wallpaper

Andreas's work is quite versatile. She loves experimenting and playing with styles and techniques. Andrea is known for her imaginative vintage designs, where each picture tells a little story. She is very skillfully implementing trends and modern elements in her artworks!

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Posted on June 25, 2020 by AJ Wallpaper

Adorable Dog Designs At AJ Wallpaper

Dogs are one of our closest and best companions. The relationship between dogs and people is deep and old, they are incredible friends to people, and they’ve been companions through centuries. Are you looking for special dog designed mural? Are you a dog lover? If you are, I am sure you don’t want to miss our dog wallpapers.

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Posted in Animal, Anime wallmural, dog, Kid's Room, kid's wall murals, wallmural

Posted on June 24, 2020 by AJ Wallpaper

Creative car designs at AJ wallpaper which are fantastic and cool

A car is an essential tool in our daily life while it has become a fashion product leading our modern life. Have you ever imagined the wall is decorating with a luxury car wallpaper? I think it will be a fantastic view of your house.

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Posted in car, car designs, car murals

Posted on June 19, 2020 by AJ Wallpaper

Follow up on the new home decoration element with Chinoiserie wallpaper

Chinoiserie is becoming a popular word in the interior design area and especially in wall murals design theme. Even if you don't know it by name, there's a good chance you've seen the Chinese and East Asian-inspired Chinoiserie designs. The term derived from the French word chinois, which means "Chinese," and it's been a popular style in interior design for ages. 

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Posted in chinoiserie wall murals, chinoiserie wallpaper, Christmas home decor

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